Give Organic Farmers a Fair Chance

Ever wonder why just 3% of the fruit you can buy is free of potentially dangerous pesticides? Or only 2% of vegetables? Or less than 0.02% of corn?

It’s not a simple matter of “that’s all that farmers grow.”

Organic farmers competing against conventional agricultural interests (i.e., the ones that use pesticides and herbicides) don’t receive an equitable portion of U.S. tax dollars for research into how to grow organic food more efficiently and economically.  And when it comes to making the transition from conventional to organic, farmers just don’t receive the financial support from the government that conventional farmers get to stay in business.

Environmental Working Group’s Action Fund is working with Congress to “make sure organic farmers get their fair share of federal funds to improve access to healthy alternatives” like organic fruits and vegetables.

You can help, by signing EWG’s petition to “Grow Organics.”

Oh, yeah. Buy some organic peaches, too.


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About Diane

Diane MacEachern is a mother of two kids, best-selling author and award-winning entrepreneur with a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources and the Environment. She founded Big Green Purse because she is passionate about sharing her experience and expertise with anyone who wants to live green and save money doing it.

1 thought on “Give Organic Farmers a Fair Chance”

  1. I would like to go green but everything is so much more expensive. Kids toys are $50 for a truck! I can’t afford to do that so I just go to target and get the plastic one for $5.00. I would like to go green but can’t afford it:(

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