About Big Green Purse

At Big Green Purse, we believe that the fastest, easiest, most direct route to a clean and healthy environment is to shift our spending to environmentally-safe, socially responsible products and services. And we’ve learned from experience that when we do, we save money, not just once, but over and over again. In fact, you can save as much as $5,070 in one year alone just by making simple shifts to go green!
But even if it didn’t make financial sense to live a greener life, it sure makes sense when it comes to your health and the health of your kids and others you love.

Why? Because when you live greener, you and your loved ones breathe cleaner air, drink cleaner water, and limit your exposure to toxic chemicals. Doesn’t that seem smart, for pip squeaks and grown-ups alike?

Plus, it’s a simple way to do your part where Nature is concerned. Global warming has become an international crisis. The parks and natural places we treasure are  under siege. The wildlife we love are threatened. We need to protect ourselves and our world, and laws and regulations can’t do it alone.


At Big Green Purse, we’re unique in our laser focus on women because women spend $.85 of every dollar in the marketplace. That’s a lot of power packed in a purse…but only if it’s used in a way that can’t be ignored.

Yes, it can be annoying or stressful or time consuming to give up the products we think we love for something new and different.

That’s where we can be most helpful.  We’ve strolled the shopping aisles and browsed the search engines so you don’t have to. We’ve found products that are really green (not just “green washed”). Where possible, we’ve pinpointed goods that are also “fair trade,” meaning people are paid a fair wage for their work and no child labor is involved.

Just as importantly, we’ve discovered what green products and services will actually save you money. From cosmetics and personal care products to light bulbs and computers, we’ve identified simple shifts you can make that not only are in your budget, but will add to your bottom line.

Don’t know where to start?

Our sensible Green Shopping Guide Principles will help you get going.

And if there’s an environmentally-friendly product or service you want but can’t find, let us know, and we’ll try to track it down.

Go Green. Save Money. Guaranteed!


Hi! I’m passionate about helping you protect yourself and your family and save money doing it. I believe we can use the power of our purse or pocketbook to change the world.

Here’s how it all started.

Shop Green

Instant Pot Smart Bluetooth

Reusable Cotton Face Mask w/Filters

Big Green Purse Approved!

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