Here's the best way to vote in 2020.

Here Is The Absolute Best Way to Vote in 2020

Here's the best way to vote in 2020.

If you care about the air you breathe, the water you drink, stopping climate change, and reducing your family’s exposure to toxic chemicals, it is absolutely essential that you vote in the 2020 election. But with Coronavirus raging, the U.S. Postal Service under assault, and record turnout expected, many of us wonder what is the best way to vote in 2020 so we also stay safe and make sure our vote counts.

The absolute best way to vote in 2020 is actually pretty simple for most of us:


Here’s how:

REGISTER: Make sure you’re registered to vote. Use this site to check your registration status if you’re unsure or need to register. In most states, it is quick and easy to register.

PLAN: Vote early in person, or vote at home using an absentee ballot. Find out how to vote early in your state here.

IF VOTING EARLY IN PERSON: Find out when your state’s polls open and pick a day to vote. Several states have already begun in-person early voting. Others will open in October. Choose your day and time. Probably mid-day during the week when others are working or homeschooling would mean fewer crowds.

IF ABSENTEE VOTING AT HOME: Request an absentee ballot NOW. Each state decides for itself how it handles absentee ballots. You can find out how to do it in your state here. This map shows early voting options state-by-state.

DROP YOUR BALLOT IN AN OFFICIAL BALLOT BOX: If possible, vote early and put your ballot in an official ballot box. You can also mail in your ballot. If you choose to mail it, mail it as soon as possible.

Absentee ballot application
Here’s a copy of my absentee ballot application. One page – so easy! I could also apply online. I’ll be able to vote safely at home. I plan to drop my ballot in an official ballot box once I vote.

Why is Voting Early the Best Way to Vote in 2020?

Beat the Crowds. Presidential elections are always big events. But this year, so much is at stake, voter turnout is expected to be particularly high. Voting early will help you beat the crowds but also help state elections boards handle the huge influx of votes they expect.

Avoid Coronavirus. Voting early also could help you avoid exposure to the Coronavirus. Especially if you vote at home and then drop your ballot off at an official drop box, you will minimize your contact with other voters and limit your chances of getting COVID-19.

Help the Post Office. If you decide to mail in your ballot, voting early gives the U.S. Postal Service more time to deliver your ballot (though the USPS says it is fully committed to delivering all ballots in a timely way).

Inspire Others. Once you vote early, you can turn your attention to helping others vote. Use your social media to share links to websites in your state that help you register, get your ballot, or vote early in person.

How to Stay Safe If You Vote in Person

If you decide to vote in person, wear a mask and use hand sanitizer.

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Stand 6 feet away from the person in front of you and behind you.

Know if advance who you plan to vote for, so when you get to the ballot box, your can quickly make your selections and leave. You can find out what’s on your ballot here.

Do not linger at the polls and around crowds of other voters. Minimize contact with other voters.

Vote For Candidates Who Support Protecting the Environment and Our Health – But Not Third Party Candidates!

No matter when you vote, choose candidates for every office – president, governor, Senator, Representative, mayor, local statehouse office holders – who are committed to protecting the environment, stopping climate change, and safeguarding our health.

Don’t miss this “open letter” to voters who might be inclined to vote for the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, or other third party candidates. This is not the year to cast a “symbolic” vote. Too much is at stake!

Banner explains that Green Voters Must Vote for Joe Biden


How Do You Plan to Vote in 2020? Please go to the Big Green Purse Facebook page and share your plan!





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About Diane

Diane MacEachern is a mother of two kids, best-selling author and award-winning entrepreneur with a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources and the Environment. She founded Big Green Purse because she is passionate about sharing her experience and expertise with anyone who wants to live green and save money doing it.


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