Six Green Ways To Save Hundreds of Dollars on School Supplies
It’s the beginning of a new school year, which means that kids are bringing home school supplies lists a yard long and parents are throwing up their hands and saying, “What? Do I really need to buy THAT?” Yes —
Green Back to School: Triclosan-Free Hand Sanitizer
Are your kids being asked to bring hand sanitizer with them when they go back to school? Look for triclosan-free hand sanitizer when you shop. It’s better for you as well as your kids. 5 Ways Triclosan is Wrong Triclosan
Try This No-Fat Green Smoothie Recipe to Improve Your Health
One of the simplest and most affordable ways we can improve our health is by changing what we eat and drink. No wonder HBF, an Australia-based health insurance company, has created the HBF Living Well health hub. In addition to
5 Ways Video Conferencing Protects the Environment
Traveling to meetings and conferences takes its toll on the environment in many ways. • Flying or driving and staying in hotels uses lots of energy, which inevitably generates carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change plus air pollutants that
What Organic Wine Should You Pair With What Foods?
Have you ever wondered what organic wine to pair with your meal? Given the dozens of wine categories and thousands of wineries, choosing the right wine to complement your food can be a daunting task. But it’s worth spending a
7 Ways LEDs are Better than CFLS
Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) began appearing on the market in the 1980s as a more energy-efficient solution to incandescent bulbs. Their smaller size and brighter light suited a wide variety of environments while conserving energy. I bought my first CFLs in
What is a Code Orange Day & How Does It Hurt Your Lungs?
Here in Washington, D.C., we’re having what’s called a “code orange day” — and that’s not good. According to Clean Air Partners, a non-profit organization that helps cities and communities in Washington and Baltimore raise awareness about air pollution so
Meatless Monday Recipes: Grilled Tofu Salad
My search for Meatless Monday recipes often leads to tofu. Made from soybeans, tofu is a great source of plant-based protein. In fact, soybeans generate ten times the protein per acre that chickens or cattle do and require less water
Meatless Monday Recipes: Kale Cranberry Salad
It’s Meatless Monday! It’s also summer, so cool, refreshing salads are at the top of my menu list. Here’s a recipe for one of my faves, a kale cranberry salad garnished with toasted walnuts, slivers of red onion, and a
How to Avoid Toxic Chemicals in Make-up When Pregnant
If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, you may also be thinking about ways you can avoid toxic chemicals in make-up, body lotion, soap and other personal care products. Smart move! Most women (myself included) use at least