Meet the world’s first search engine dedicated solely to protecting the planet. has partnered up with Google to create a homepage you can search exactly as you would at The earth advantage: Google shares a portion of its advertising revenue the same way it does with websites like and The difference? EcoSearch donates 100% of its profits to nonprofit organizations like Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council. Talk about an easy way to raise money for earth-saving initiatives!
David Krasnow, the brains behind the operation, says “EcoSearch was formed because we are dedicated environmentalists who want to make a difference, and believe that, when given the opportunity, millions of people will join us.”
Krasnow notes that, “In the past 3 months, Google paid over a BILLION dollars to advertising partners. Unlike for-profit companies which put all this money into the pockets of individuals (usually already incredibly rich individuals), EcoSearch donates, as required by law, all of its profits to charities.”
Adds Krasnow, “We built this site for you. Without your participation, nothing changes. So please, use us whenever you search, tell all your friends, and if you think of a way that we can improve, please don’t hesitate to let us know!”