Have you unplugged your refrigerator?

Honestly, it never would have occurred to me as a significant way to save energy.

Unplugged refrigerator But a story in today’s New York Times reports on this growing trend, which some consumers are adopting as much for the symbolic value of un-plugging as for the electricity savings. (NOTE: Many folks have been inspired to unplug by my Green Moms Carnival colleague Deanna Duke, who blogs at thecrunchychicken.com.)

What about you?

Have you replaced your big fridge with a smaller model, with a cooler, or with nothing at all?

Are you using just as much energy going back and forth to the grocery store to replenish fresh food since you can’t store it in the refrigerator any more?

Do you miss cold beer?

While we’re on the topic, here’s what I do to improve my refrigerator’s efficiency:

* I keep the coils clean on the back.

* I bought the most efficient model available, with the freezer unit on top rather than on the bottom or side-by-side.

* I don’t have TWO refrigerators, like many consumers, who keep their old model in the basement or garage for extra groceries, soft drinks, or party supplies.

* I try not to open the door and just stand there admiring my fruits and vegetables as all the cold air escape (admittedly, my kids haven’t quite got this habit down).

* I positioned my refrigerator far from my stove and dishwasher and not in direct sunlight, so it doesn’t have to work extra hard to keep cool.

I’d love to know if you’ve gone “refrigerator free.”  Drop a line and share your story.

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About Diane

Diane MacEachern is a mother of two kids, best-selling author and award-winning entrepreneur with a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources and the Environment. She founded Big Green Purse because she is passionate about sharing her experience and expertise with anyone who wants to live green and save money doing it.

3 thoughts on “Have you unplugged your refrigerator?”

  1. I am always fascinated by the ritual some of my peers have picked up from being raised in the 80s. Just the other day, my friend told another friend of ours she could grab a soda from their fridge in the garage. HUH? Not to be too critical, but who needs to drink that much soda that you need a whole other refrigerator in the garage to store it?
    Anyway, to each their own. In our house, we do much the same as your listing above to conserve energy.

  2. I run my smallish refrigerator as efficiently as possible to save electricity. I do everything on your list along with keeping both the refrigerator & freezer full so they run more efficiently. You can do this with milk jugs/containers full of water if your refrigerator/freezer starts to empty out in between shopping trips. I make sure that the door seals are tight and that the temperature isn’t set low enough to safely keep food cold but not too low to freeze the milk in my refrigerator! 🙂

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