It’s Blog Action Day – So Get a Move On!

In honor of Blog Action Day, I’m getting off my duff and doing a few things to protect the environment and my family that I’ve been meaning to do for a while now:

* I signed up to attend a climate change rally in Washington, D.C. on October 24, Climate Action Day. Want to do the same? Visit for details.

* I wrote a letter to Wal-Mart encouraging the company to involve consumers in the new initiative it’s launched to establish sustainability standards for manufacturers and vendors it does business with. It matters, because as Wal-Mart goes, so goes the world. Learn more here – and get the link so you can write a letter yourself.

*  I donated to Alaska Wilderness League, a highly effective non-profit organization working to prevent oil drilling in America’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. They need your money. Can you donate, too?

* I’m tweeting all day about the need to act now to reduce climate change. If I’m not following you, let me know at and

What are you doing to take action and make a difference? Let us know!

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About Diane

Diane MacEachern is a mother of two kids, best-selling author and award-winning entrepreneur with a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources and the Environment. She founded Big Green Purse because she is passionate about sharing her experience and expertise with anyone who wants to live green and save money doing it.

2 thoughts on “It’s Blog Action Day – So Get a Move On!”

  1. Hi Diane ~
    Here’s what I did to support the environment, taking action for Blog Action Day ~
    1. I blogged about how my new business concept will help people in the suburbs reduce their carbon footprint by getting them to think about the impact of their daily lifestyle and consumer choices on the quality of their own lives, the lives of those in need and the environment…
    2. I wrote a second blog post after CARE contacted me. In it, I referenced several shared beliefs between my own start-up and CARE, including the power of women… So, guess what I linked to ~ yup, Big Green Purse…
    3. I commented on several other blog posts including Seventh Generation Founder Jeffrey Hollender, suggesting he check out your work if he hasn’t already…
    4. I added some new followers and “followees” to my new twitter account. I added your twitter names and discovered your Big Green Breakthrough and can’t wait to check it out more.
    4. I delivered 50+ games to a local service organization, part of my DeClutter For Good donation drives – action is imperative! Tomorrow is my DeClutter For Good drive for October, collecting kids’ stuff to donate to Cradles to Crayons. Because, like you mentioned in your post, it’s not enough to talk the talk, we’ve got to walk the walk and lead by example, empowering other women on the way! Glad you will be representing so many women who walk and talk like you in DC!
    Carpe Diem ~
    Nancy Gallant
    Social Entrepreneur
    Founder/Time Well Spent
    Twitter @NancyTWS
    blog –

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