Image encourage you to make a difference by supporting local environmental charities.

How to Find Local Environmental Charities For 9 Priority Issues

Want to make the environment in your community better, but don’t know where to start? In honor of #GivingTuesday and every day, I’ve pulled together links to 9 local environmental charities that work in your state or region to make the world a better place.

Click on a link, go to your state or plug in your zip code, and get started! You can donate, volunteer, or just sign up to learn more. The list is organized by issue, but if you don’t see the issue you care about most, just search for that “issue+local group” on your browser.

The image encourages you to leave the world better than you found it

Links to  Local Environmental Charities
That Make It Easy for You to Make a Difference

Food BanksFeeding America maintains a nationwide network of food banks and distributes 4.3 billion meals each year through food pantries and meal programs. You may not think of food banks as an environmental issue, but making sure people receive proper nourishment should always be a priority in our world.

Land Preservation – The Land Trust Alliance is a national land conservation organization with more than 1,000 member land trusts. They help individuals and communities save and secure land now and for future generations. You can find a land trust to support whether you live on a prairie or in a desert, in the mountains or in a city.

Local Activism – The Sierra Club works locally in dozens of city and state chapters to reduce pollution, protect public lands, stop climate change, and empower activists.

Solar EnergySolar United Neighbors – Like the idea of solar but don’t have the right roof space or solar exposure? Or, do you have the right elements but don’t know where to get started? Check out Solar United Neighbors. You can learn enough to get started with the technology, and find folks and groups where you live to explore the options for your own roof or roofs in the neighborhood.

Climate ChangeCitizens’ Climate Lobby has 595 active chapters around the world, including dozens in the U.S. Working with them, you’ll learn about climate science, be able to figure out how climate change may affect where you live, and get involved organizing locally as well as influencing your elected officials.

Food WasteFood Recovery Network works on 186 campuses in 46 states and the District of Columbia to recovery food that would otherwise be thrown away. The network’s slogan is “Fight waste. Feed people.” I love that! Join an existing chapter, or start your own.

Native Plants – The Native Plant Society has chapters across the U.S. and Canada. These chapters help homeowners and other landowners understand the value of native plants and how to put them into your landscape. I’m a member of the Maryland Native Plant Society and follow a native plant society for northeastern states on Facebook. I’ve learned a lot about plants, pollinating insects and birds, water management, and more.

Don’t Miss This Other Helpful #GivingTuesday Post! It links to 5 environmental charities working nationally to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. is a goldmine! Not only can you find local places to recycle, but the site can tell you what can be recycled where. Just plug in your zip code and bundle up your recyclables!!

Voter Registration – If we don’t elect environmental champions to local, state and national office, we’ll never have the strong laws and regulations we need to stop climate change, reduce pollution, limit our exposure to toxic chemicals, and protect the wildlife and wild places we love. But if we don’t vote, we can’t get those folks elected. RockTheVote helps register, educate and turn out young people in particular to vote.

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This is by no means a comprehensive list. Please leave your own suggestions for ways to find local environmental charities to support. You can drop a comment below or on the BigGreenPurse Facebook page.

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About Diane

Diane MacEachern is a mother of two kids, best-selling author and award-winning entrepreneur with a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources and the Environment. She founded Big Green Purse because she is passionate about sharing her experience and expertise with anyone who wants to live green and save money doing it.


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