My Water Pledge
Water is as important as air when it comes to surviving life on Earth. Our bodies are over 90% water, and though we can go without food for weeks if we have to, try going even one day without water. And yet, so much water is being wasted that many of our communities suffer from water shortages and undergo mandatory rationing in order to make it from one drought or shortage to the next.
That’s why I took the Wyland Foundation’s Water Conservation Pledge, and why I want you to take the My Water Pledge, too. I was already doing some things to save water, but taking the pledge – and calculating my water “footprint” – helped me identify opportunities to save even more.
Here’s How The Challenge Works
It starts with the Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation. The Challenge launched eight years ago as a competition between mayors in southern Florida to promote the health of our ocean, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands by being smart about how we use water. Since that time, the program has expanded to cities across the U.S., including Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta, Dallas, San Francisco, Tucson, and Washington, D.C. This year’s celebration in particular looks back at the progress we’ve made in the U.S. since the Cuyahoga River caught fire in 1969 because it was so polluted! The Challenge encourages people to understand how important it is to protect our water resources through individual actions as well as steps we can take in our communities.
Calculate Your Water Footprint
To begin, calculate your own water footprint: how much water you use personally, at home, in your community, and more. The calculator asks basic questions, like whether you leave the water running in the sink. But it gets at some surprising issues, as well, like raising awareness about how much water is needed to produce the sandwich you ate for lunch, and how much electricity it takes to power your computer.
I have to confess, I pretty much never think about water use in those terms, so calculating my footprint was pretty eye opening.
Once I had that perspective, I took the pledge (which was a quick 5 minutes) and vowed to repair leaking faucets, pipes, and toilets, wash only full loads of laundry and dishes, and take shorter showers.
The pledge surprisingly connected the dots between wasting food and water (their slogan is, “Save a crop, save a drop!”). It also reminded me to turn off sprinklers when it rains (which should be a no-brainer, but often is not), and scoop up pet waste so it doesn’t get washed into a storm drain and end up in a stream or river.
Diane’s Results When She Took the My Water Pledge
My water footprint calculator already showed that I was doing a pretty good job of saving water. I only use 1,117 gallons a day, compared to the average 2,233 gpd.
But what surprised me was how much water I could save in a year by making good on my pledges: 68,376 gallons!! Whoa.
In addition to saving all that water, I’d save over $800 and reduce my climate-changing carbon impact by 280,000 pounds of polluting carbon dioxide.
Take the My Water Pledge by April 30!
The Wyland National Challenge for Water Conservation is having a big impact nationwide. In addition to raising awareness about the need to protect and save water, it motivates people and communities to do their part. To date, U.S. residents have made over 1.6 million pledges to make small but meaningful changes in their daily lives to ensure healthy waterways and a sustainable supply of fresh, clean water.
The challenge runs until April 30. Why not take the My Water Pledge today?
When you do, remember to join in the prize giveaway for a chance to win a reward (in addition to the reward of saving water). Last year, the Challenge awarded more than $50,000 in prizes to nearly 300 residents in U.S. cities. This year, they’re giving participants the opportunity to designate their favorite charity for the chance to win a 2019 Toyota Highlander Hybrid.
And do share on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, using these hashtags:
#cleanwater #healthyoceans #mywaterpledge
I’ve blogged a lot about saving water. Here are a few more posts to check out:
10 Ways to Save Water Outside and Cut Your Water Bill by 50%
We’re Drinking the Same Water as Cleopatra. Is It as Clean?
NOTE: Partnerships with organizations like the Wyland Foundation enable us to provide you with the expert content you need to lead the greener life you want. Our editorial opinions remain our own. Thanks!