non-toxic shampoo

Start the New Year Using Non-Toxic Shampoo

non-toxic shampooHere’s a simple resolution to start 2016 with:
Switch to non-toxic shampoo

Why does it matter? Here’s the lowdown.

Many shampoos contain a potent cocktail of chemicals that include synthetic fragrances, phthalates, antibacterial agents, dyes and colorings. None of these ingredients are good for either you or the planet.

Χ – Synthetic fragrances and phthalates – Phthalates are essentially industrial compounds. They’re used to soften plastic, but also to help suspend the oily substances that give perfume their smell. They’re added to hairsprays, lubricants, wood finishers, nail polish, and yes, shampoo.

BPA-free baby bottlesOne single exposure to phthalates won’t cause trouble.

But multiple exposures over time, even at very low doses, have been linked to problems in fetal development.

Women who are pregnant and exposed to phthalates frequently and over time may give birth to baby boys whose genitals are deformed.

Phthalates are also linked to premature breast development in young girls and low sperm count in men.

Χ – Antibacterial agents – Ingredients like triclosan are often added to shampoo to “fight germs” or “kill bacteria.” But many public health officials worry that triclosan actually contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

Plus, triclosan gets into our streams, rivers and lakes when it is in our shampoo and then washes down the drain.

Researchers have found that antibacterial compounds like triclosan can interfere with the development of tadpoles into frogs and cause other mutations that could threaten the survival of birds, fish and other animals that live on or around our waters.

Check out “5 Ways Triclosan is Wrong” here.

Χ – Dyes and colorings – I’m not sure what the appeal of having a pink or purple or green shampoo is.

Those dyes and colorings are usually derived from chemicals that have been linked to cancer, ADHD, and various allergies.

Natural dyes derived from blueberry juice concentrate, carrot juice, paprika, grape skin extract, beet juice and other plants are a much better alternative.

What Do You Want in a Non-Toxic Shampoo?

plant-based shampooFortunately, many caring and concerned companies are producing plant-based shampoos that are:

√ free of toxic chemicals

√ cruelty-free – not tested on animals

√ vegan

√ biodegradable – not in 10,000 years, but in a relatively short period of time.

Non-toxic shampoo ingredients could include:

  • Jojoba and quinoa proteins to strengthen and fortify hair follicles
  • Organic coconut oil to moisturize
  • Chamomile, calendula and aloe for conditioning
  • Sweet orange vanilla, lavender, grapefruit or another citrus fruit for a light and fresh fragrance
  • Other fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers – plant-based ingredients, oils and fragrances that are easy on the planet as well as your body!

Some non-toxic shampoos I’ve tried and like include:

non-toxic shampooHonest Company Shampoo & Body Wash





Jason non-toxic shampooJason Restorative Biotin Shampoo





Aubrey Organics non-toxic shampooAubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Shampoo





Many new year’s resolutions are tough to keep. Switching to non-toxic shampoo should be a breeze!

Happy New Year!

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Diane MacEachern is a mother of two kids, best-selling author and award-winning entrepreneur with a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources and the Environment. She founded Big Green Purse because she is passionate about sharing her experience and expertise with anyone who wants to live green and save money doing it.


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